Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Secret Buddy Thank you to Deborah Steinberg & Celina

We would like to say a BIG Thank You to Deborah Steinberg and Celina for being our secret buddy and all the wonderful stuff you have sent us for Alicyn Shea. This months theme was Travel Essentials. They sent us the cutest pink PJ's with a little white bear on it, a neck support for Ali Shea, an all in one nap mat with cozy blanket and pillow, the Hallmark Christmas ornament with the little Chinese girl and house, and some really neat packing bags for us. They also sent us their Christmas card with their photos. Thank you so much. You have been a wonderful secret buddy, we will miss you very much. Good thing is that you don't live that far from us. Maybe after winter we can come and visit you and Celina. You know if you are ever down the mountain, you are always welcome to come to our house. Thank you so much for everything. We also put a thank you and picture on our website. Thanks again.
Hugs and Happy Holidays,
Cyndi & Dean James
Waiting for Alicyn Shea
LID 10/24/06